India’s JimTrade reaches review milestone

India’s largest online business directory has now crossed the milestone of more than 100,000 product reviews. Thus, the buyers can now find a large volume of product reviews at and a direct access, free of cost, to their respective manufacturers with absolutely no inter-mediators.

Key Factors:
• Free access to 1,00,000+ product reviews with complete manufacturers details.
• Extremely simple free online registration process that helps users to register with enabling them to open a direct contact with their respective manufacturers.
• User friendly simple search process by keywords or by product categories.
• Provides free news letter.

Mumbai, January 16, 2010: has crossed a milestone of 1,00,000 Indian product reviews and has emerged as a largest online business directory of India. So, now the buyers can now find a large volume of product reviews and can get the opportunity to access their respective manufacturers directly, with absolutely no inter-mediators. Every product reviews contains product photograph and product description with contact details of the manufacturer. These product reviews can be searched by keywords or by industry wise.

Extremely simple & free online registration process of helps buyers for host of the benefits. Such as personalised control panel, free newsletter subscription, tracking of inquiries etc.

Apart from product reviews, Jimtrade has suppliers directory section containing complete listing of Indian manufacturers categorised under more than 2,500 product categories. The manufacturers’ details can also be searched with simple keywords also. also features comprehensive information on the leading Indian trade shows, expositions, seminars, conferences and exhibitions compiled with detail trade show previews, reviews and reports. Up-to-date calendar listings of events help buyers find trade shows by month, city and industry.


A brainchild of Jupiter Infomedia Pvt. Ltd., is India’s largest online business directory with over 1,00,000 product reviews, which focuses on the Indian market, by providing information to international buyers and integrated marketing services to suppliers. JimTrade provides the complete and up-to-date information on Indian products and suppliers for buyers. Jim helps more than 7,50, 000 active buyers to find products more profitably. More than 1,00,000 buyers and importers visit the site everyday looking for Indian suppliers.

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