3 Easy Ways to Make your Blog Look More Professional

By Karen Smith

Did your blog start off as a side project, but is now growing into a professional venture? Or are you an entrepreneur or business owner looking to extend your
professional reach through a new blog? People blog for a variety of reasons, and many bloggers have absolutely no need to come off as professionally trustworthy, while others depend on their blogs to serve as a vehicle for their professional reputation. Whatever the reason behind your desire for a blog with a more professional image, though, the thought of a complete re-design is always overwhelming. Luckily, if you’re short on time or need to get started right away, there are a few simple changes you can make to your blog today that will be sure to give consumers a more professional impression:

1. Be clear and descriptive on your About page
One of the first places a new user will head to, after scanning your home page, is the “about” section of your blog. There are many new bloggers who don’t have much experience and make up for it by creating an “about” section with nothing more than a sentence or two about what they aspire to be, rather than their professional experience so far. But, instead of attempting to maintain a facade, honesty is really the best policy in an “about” section. What is this blog about, why are you doing it, and why would anyone care to hear what you have to say? You have to answer these questions in your “about” section if you want it to be professionally appealing. Try adding sections listing your experience within your niche and why you do what you do.

2. Eliminate tacky advertisement
This is one of the quickest ways to turn off your readers. We all need to make money with our blogs, and every AdSense dollar counts, but it should never be at the expense of the overall look of your blog. Do a double take at your home page and ask yourself, honestly, if the ads look tacky. Not only should your ads look streamlined and professional, but they should also be related to the subject matter of your blog. If your ads are falling on the tacky side or are completely unrelated, try looking for new advertisers.

3. Stop using obvious SEO tactics
There was a time when content could be riddled with keywords and link bait, and users didn’t really know the difference. But those days are really long gone. The content on your blog should be the most important part of your blog, and the content should speak toward your professional reputation. You should never create content solely as a means for SEO, as this limits the quality of your writing. Make sure it is useful to your readers and something that you, yourself, would enjoy reading. It is much better today to opt for social media sharing and quality content than empty SEO tactics.

About the author
Karen Smith, a former journalist and globe trotter, now freelances for various publications and websites. She hopes to bring her readers the latest in business
education, technology, and web marketing and help interested students find information on getting a business degree online. Karen welcomes your comments below!

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