Ortigra The Family Friendly Search Engine Brings in 300,000 Searches in 7 days

Ortigra.com the New Search Engine Launched on 11th June is gaining popularity rapidly. The family friendly search engine has surpassed over 300,000 searches in just over 7 days. The threshold has meant that Ortigra has sponsored 3 children in the third world with Child Hope and searches continue to take place. The platform takes advantage of specialized features which include family safe browsing, social search and quick view which allows users to view up to 10 webpages in one.

Marcel Gashi Director Says “Ortigra is about giving individuals an alternative, whilst at the same time offering users the ability to make a difference with our Search & Sponsor mission, we are grateful to everyone who is helping us make a change in the third world, many just do not have that disposable income that they once had where donations could be given to charities, but now Ortigra offers a new way of donating to charity whilst at the same time having a family safe browsing experience all this is achieved by allowing individuals to change their browsing habit.”

Launched into public beta on the 11th June 2012 the search engine has experienced a large user base in Europe and the US. The search platform is considered family friendly as web indexes are filtered out from the results. The Search & Sponsor campaign was set-up by Ortigra whereby every 100,000 searches Ortigra will sponsor a child in the third world. Children sponsored will benefit from education fees & books, food, medical treatments and security for the next year. Child poverty is still a major issue, with one in six children die before the age of 5, 10million are on the brink of starvation, and over 4 million are living with HIV/Aids. The recent milestone in popularity of Ortigra has meant that 3 children to date are sponsored by the search platform.

Rajesh Mistry – CTO “We are dedicated to advancement and offering an alternative, the web is about innovation and giving people choices, Ortigra is very committed to offering a more refined and safe search experience, This means that there is a lot of change to keep up with. It is also crucial to consider how changes will nourish through into Ortigra’s upcoming reputation comparative to that of its competitors.”

The search engine is in development of “oSafe”; a filtering protocol which will allow users to filter results based upon their belifs and what they deem is unsuitable, oSafe is not only aimed at families and religious communities but also businesses who want to increase the productivity of their employees. On average in the US there is over $759billion lost in the economy per year because of employees spending several hours on social networks. oSafe will firstly be introduced to organisations across the UK during the start of September, where schools and employers will have the ability to restrict website and keywords through the oSafe DNS in real-time.

Marcel Gashi – Director “Ortigra started development in Amsterdam back in 2010 as a project with I’mhalal.com the Islamic search platform that gained popularity over 3million households. Since im’halal withdrew from the market, for the 3million users we hope that Ortigra will be the alternative who want to filter out results from their household. We saw a niche not just in regards to parental additions but for also values that extend to ones belifs. I would like to stress that Ortigra is against censoring the internet, but our aim is focused in offering a service for families that sense of security when browsing the web. A search platform is very much a map, if you can’t locate something on a map; rarely will you navigate yourself to the destination.”

The platform is also developing semantic features which will behave in such a way to improve search accuracy it will understand the users search phrase as a query rather than a phrase. The company also has a social network on the way which will enable networking between communities, individuals and businesses.

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