10 Reasons Public Relations is a ‘Must-do’ for SEO in 2013

By Davis Miller

Compared with what obtained in the past more and more people today now recognize that SEO (search engine optimization) and PR (public relations) do have a lot to offer one another. In fact, it has been said that SEO skills is a must have for anyone who wants to succeed in today’s public relations. Now below are 10 reasons why this will happen.

1.         The public relations industry is obviously recognizing SEO
A lot of professionals who probably were either indifferent to SEO or could not see its importance to public relations are now getting it. They are realizing that this is not just about being found, but it is also about link building, which is aimed at encouraging engagement, informing the public as well as building reciprocally rewarding relationships.

2.         SEO and PR synergize tremendously
Press releases are enhanced by SEO. Make use of popular keywords, and then see the way this generates traffic. Also, PR assists SEO in generating inbound links that are from respectable sources, which not only get first-touch exposure as far as new audiences are concerned, but as well as credibility when it comes to the search engines.

3.         Including SEO to your PR generates a great cascade effect
The effect just goes on and on. Journalists and others will usually comment, quote or broaden on the work of other journalists or writers. Also, bloggers are constantly making mention of the stories of others. Thus spreading your message and this will make you even get links that you never requested for.

4.         Editorial links can enhance SEO seriously
Most often than not PR links offer quality. Why? Well, because they aren’t free for all. In other words, one has to earn these media placements. You see 100 high-quality editorial links is worth far more than 1000 low-quality links. And, because they are not free they might be difficult to get, but the rewards they bring at the end of the day are certainly worth one’s effort.

5.         It helps build relationships with media contacts that are repeatedly useful
Media contacts are important to both PR practitioners and reporters. And, building a relationship with media people (i.e. reporters and bloggers) can help the PR professional in his/her career. Over time as the relationship gets stronger and stronger such media people will start contacting the PR practitioner thereby making work much easier for both parties.

6.         PR skills are easy to learn
For SEO experts that do not know much about PR just think of it as a way to building powerful referral links. It is about building a relationship and a good place to start learning may be to get in touch with a PR expert.

7.         It helps to strengthen as well as extend your relationship with clients
Effective PR will only result in your clients increasingly respecting your work. This in turn will strengthen your relationship with them and obviously ensure they stay with you.

8.          It’s a win-win for both parties
For both SEO practitioners and PR people working together as a team will only result in a win situation for the two parties concerned. This is because there is a lot they can learn from one another by deliberately working together.

9.         It gives your PR business increasing exposure
As you get this right that is public relations and SEO, you will also earn respect within the community as more people and organizations quote you. This will make you a safe haven for journalists to write about leading to greater exposure for you.

10.       It often results in extra income streams
This last reason as you may already know refers to the intense publicity as well as quality links that one gets via effective PR and which in turn can generate multiple streams of income for your business.

About the Author
Davis Miller is the author to this article. He has a good knowledge about entrepreneurship and public relations.

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