Clickug Revolutionizes Content Sharing on the Internet With Their “Dressed Links”

Clickug ( is launched to the public with a revolutionary tool to transform any long, meaningless link into one that is new, totally descriptive and eye-catching. This process is called “Link Dressing“.

“Never before, since the birth of the Internet, have users been able to create links that perfectly fit their needs. Clickug marks a turning point which allows individuals and companies around the world to make their mark on everything they share,” said  Christian Castresana , CEO and Founder of Clickug.

Clickug is like a large supermarket of over 2,000 domains that the user can use to build the perfect link: to share photos and videos of everyday life, recommend content, express opinions, sell or hire all kinds of objects, connect a service to the city where it is offered, encourage action, advertise special offers, etc. And if a user does not find the word (domain) they are looking for, they can ask without obligation.

All links created in Clickug are free except those that have customizations of less than 15 characters. Hypothetical examples are:  (free “fully dressed” link),  (paid “fully dressed” link). All “partially dressed” links are free (domain + random code):

All links come with a free package of basic statistics that can be extended with a Premium service for $49 or $99.

Clickug poses as an alternative to the more than 700 new domain extensions that will appear over the next two years by offering links that are free, multilingual and unlimited.

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