3 Ways Brands Maximize Facebook for Marketing Purposes

Follow as social networking concept in tag cloud of thumb up shape isolated on white backgroundMost modern companies have some sort of social media marketing strategy. Social media platforms have become content behemoths, stabilizing over the last few years as the go-to way to share ideas and connect with customers. And, while there are multiple social media options to choose from, let’s zero in on how many brands are finding success specifically with Facebook.

With the frequent changes in the newsfeed algorithms, Facebook is discriminating against excessively promotional posts and giving more exposure to organic posts. Where sales-driven copy used to be effective, companies now need to get more creative when using the platform in order to see any return on their efforts. With that in mind, here are a few ways you can learn from businesses that are succeeding on Facebook.

Subtle Promotion

A fatal error companies often make with Facebook is seeing it as a one-dimensional channel for promoting products and sharing news. The problem with this is that other people (like your consumers) also see Facebook as a way to get their feelings out and their voices heard.

Post informational resources on your website and direct customers there via your Facebook. This way, you’re a resource, rather than just forcing a sale. As a company specializing in identity protection, Lifelock uses its Facebook page to broadcast blog posts. These blog posts are full of useful resources which will not only help people to prevent identity theft from happening to them, but it will also help customers self-identify if Lifelock’s service is one they might benefit from.

Response to Crises

While many social media platforms are good avenues for dispelling rumors or mending relationships, Facebook can be an especially prime outlet for this. Its reach is unparalleled if you need to get an apology out quickly or patch up some damage.

Ruffles is an example of a company that took to Facebook when it faced a bit of a crisis. When a Brazilian image about how much air is included in Ruffles Crisps packages went viral, consumers were outraged. People thought they were being duped by the brand and took to the Internet to make their complaints known. Instead of defensively firing back, Ruffles responded gently and educationally. The company created a graphic that showed that the air was needed in order to protect the crisps and then shared it on Facebook. If you face a delicate situation or public ire, you can extinguish the fire by calmly responding and showing—not telling—the truth on Facebook.

Instant Information Gathering

With all the time millions of people spend on Facebook, there is a lot of personal data stored on the social site. Many savvy brands use this detailed information to learn about its users and connect with them. For example, Pinterest began by prompting first-time registrants to sign up with their Facebook logins (rather than their email), which encourages consumers to share information with the company. This material is then used by the brand to serve up targeted ads and content, which makes it more likely to profit from its users. While you may not be able to offer your customers a way to use your services via Facebook, you still can use the social network to find out what matters to them. Scour their pages or use a social media monitoring platform so that you can tailor ads and content based on their preferences.

When it comes to Facebook, there are nearly limitless ways businesses can use it for PR and marketing. If you want to avoid being penalized by the new algorithms, however, look to other brands for creative ideas. Listen to your buyers through their comments and respond to them with your content. Smooth over issues by using Facebook for crisis management, and use customers’ Facebook behaviors to learn how you can market them. These methods will get you well on your way to maximizing the platform for optimal marketing and PR outcomes.

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