7 Simple Affiliate Marketing Tips For the New Internet Marketer

By Jai Grishin

Affiliate marketing is a great way to stat making money online. By being able to promote other people and companies products with free traffic, it is possible to get started with very little outlay and start making money straight away. Most affiliate marketing programs are easy enough to join, have good products to promote and pay out their commission on a regular basis. Because of this, there are more people getting involved in this business.

As with all businesses, affiliate marketing has it’s fair share of “hard knocks” and lessons that need to be learnt to be successful.

The following are 7 affiliate marketing tips that you can use to be more effective:

1. Learn what the best programs and products are to promote – Of course you want to be involved with a program that you give you the biggest profits in the shortest period of time

2. Choose the right affiliate program – that is the right program for you. So many people get started with a product they think is hot, rather than what you are interested in, only to find that there is a lot of competition and no sales. In the end if you are doing something yo don’t enjoy and are not making any money, you will quit.

3. The money is in the list – You may have heard this saying already. If not, it is a good idea to start collecting email addresses of your visitors to your website as soon as possible. Most people do not make a purchase on the first solicitation.

4. Get traffic that is targeted to the product you are offering – You want people that are interested in what you have to offer. Writing article for directories, visiting blogs and getting involved will all help drive targeted traffic to your offer.

5. Use a different web page for each product you promote – do not put all your offers together on one page. Each website should have it’s own look that matches the product and niche you are targeting.

6. Ask for a higher than normal commission from the publisher – If you are having success in a promotion try and ask the merchant to negotiate a higher percentage of commission for your sales. This only works once you start getting consistent success.

7. Put similar offers on the same site and test them out – Split testing is a good way to find out what is, and what isn’t working.

There are a lot of things to learn in your new affiliate career and this is just a small sample of things that you will need to learn. Take your time and do good research before plunging into any old affiliate program. The care you take now will pay off in a large way for you later on.

Jai Grishin’s website, http://makemoneyonlinewithaffiliateprogram.net, shows you how to make money online. Information, and valuable resources are available at: => http://makemoneyonlinewithaffiliateprogram.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jai_Grishin

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