Interest in Online Dating to Grow by 60% in the New Year –

This Christmas, noticed an average 40% increase in user activity. Could this be Santa’s ultimate present: love?

The holidays may be the time for a new relationship, with seeing an average of 40% more page views per user between Christmas and New Year.

“It’s been a trend that we’ve been noticing for many years now,” says Mamboo’s COO, Gloria Diez. “Could it be more than just the effect of the mistletoe?”

The company is reporting some interesting statistics, including members sending 30% more online gifts, as well as a 38% increase in spending on the site. The number of messages sent and received by members also doubled.

The company made contact with two psychologists to find out why.

Barbara Lavi, a Family Therapy Specialist, was happy to share her theories:

“At this time of year everyone is flooded with images of family and companionship. Singles may see this as a complete contrast to who they are, so set out to change things for the better,” she advises.

Isabel Moya, Youth Psychology Therapist, had this to say:

“During the Holidays, singles are put in a tough position – having to cope with and navigate social situations in which they are often the only person without a partner. This can be very uncomfortable, prompting a desire for change,” she explains.

Mamboo also forecasts a rather romantic January, with 60% more traffic to their site expected during the first two weeks of the year.

Mamboo can be found online at:

Interest in Online Dating to Grow by 60% in the New Year - 1

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