New Study Shows Unprecedented Mobile Application Growth

In a study conducted by the “Microsoft Tag” community, mobile device usage was estimated to overtake desktop Internet users by 2014, based on a rate of growth tracked since 2007. Mobile Application production studio Epic Digitalrecently conducted a survey of clientele, to study how the unprecedented growth of applications on the iPhone, iPad, and Android effects different markets.

Eric Peterson, CEO of Epic Digital had this to say:

“Nearly 90% of our production income comes from businesses expanding their traditional media to mobile devices. This is specifically in the corporate, educational, and entertainment markets. Ever since 2009, the priority for companies has switched from just having Internet media, to making sure that media is cutting-edge and user-friendly on mobile devices. This includes animation, periodicals, and even normal business functionality. Large franchise restaurants are taking orders from iPads and department stores are doing the same.”

A study conducted by the National Literacy Trust shows that children ages 7-16 are more likely to own a mobile device than a book. With the January announcement of Apple’s new iBooks 2 textbooks for iPad, more educational publishers are trying to provide innovative learning tools on mobile devices.

As traditional media consumption trends change to a more mobile design, new gateways are opened for how media can be communicated to users.

Epic Digital’s Eric Peterson says, “The really exciting thing about mobile apps, is that there is a really cohesive way for sleek design and user experience to blend with functionality. Instead of creating a piece of media that can serve as a digital business card, more utilities can be packed in. A roofing company can mobilize its task force with affordable devices that not only can provide social media communication to their clientele, but also provide services such as project management, invoicing, billing, and more.”

Epic Digital is a creative production studio founded in 2004 with over 25 designers, technicians, and project managers. Its focus is on mobile applications, web development, and media creation such as animation, video, and design. Their website can be found at

New Study Shows Unprecedented Mobile Application Growth 1

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