These days’ people have become more accustomed to using the Internet in mobile phones in comparison to desktops and laptops. With the launch of new smartphones, iPhones and tablets and vast improvement in WAP 2.0 which is a general requirement to access internet on smart phones, there are increasing mobile web developers all over the world. Moreover, who would want to miss the opportunity of attracting huge traffic to their website and converting visitors into potential customers. However, there are some common mistakes which need to be avoided in mobile web development and one can review about mobile web design Canada where mobile internet users are increasing on a large basis.
Over-usage of content and images: Over usage of content and images should be strictly avoided since most mobile web developers think that putting in lot of content and attractive images will attract huge visitors. In turn, visitors actually get bored and considering the website more of an advertisement they would prefer visiting better website.
Minimizing portal for easy accessibility: The website portability varies depending upon the size and width of different mobile phones. Hence, a mobile web developer should not give much importance towards minimizing the website portal size as it officially won’t affect much to the users and rather the website owner loses visitors in large numbers as there are also several laptop and desktop users.
Page loading: It is a common problem with most mobile users since they had to wait for long in order to get the website loaded they want to access and hence they lose their patience. The mobile web developer should keep in mind which audience he is targeting and hence additional detriments should be avoided so as to enable pages don’t take much time to load or become unresponsive.
Knowledge of CSS3, HTML5, WML and XHTML: Though mobile web developers have accurate knowledge of all these languages which are very essential elements required for mobile web development they do not implement these while designing mobile web site. These languages make the website look extremely attractive, pages gets loaded faster and can be easily accessed in all devices. Moreover, to cut short all mobile web development related problems can be avoided and user can ensure faster browsing.
Hyper JavaScript usage: JavaScript errors are quite common and especially in case of mobile phones as mobile web developers lay great emphasis in using more JavaScript’s thinking it would make browsing faster. They should understand it affects the website search engine rankings and search engine spiders do not identify the JavaScript language very well.
Lack of compatibility: A fresher mobile web developer or not much experienced mobile web developer often makes this mistake and so as to avoid it they must ensure that they crosscheck the website they have made in different browsers. It will give them an overview since they will be able to notify how websites are performing without design mutations and they can also make the required changes.
If a web designer follows above steps he will avoid making such mistakes while designing a website and hence the website will attract huge visitors and more traffic. Mobile web design Canada is attracting user’s attention with large numbers and with increasing numbers of mobile web developers one can ensure there are more mobile users in comparison to laptop and desktop users all over the world.
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