Get Ready for the Coming of Twitter Music with musicMagpie

Twitter’s famous blue bird will soon be singing a new tune-literally. The online social networking site acquired the music discovery service We Are Hunted last year and will use the technology to release its own standalone music app for iOS later this month.

The new music discovery app, to be called Twitter Music, will incorporate Twitter branding and make use of four main tabs. The “Popular” tab will highlight trending music, while the “Emerging” tab will help promote up-and-comers in the industry. “#NowPlaying” will show songs tweeted by the people you follow. Still looking for a good song recommendation? “Suggested” will recommend songs based on the artists you follow and the artists that people you follow are following. The streaming of music content to Twitter Music will be powered by Sound Cloud.

Twitter Music promises to be an exciting venture for the social networking site, which already has strong ties with the music industry. After all, seven of the top ten most followed accounts on Twitter belong to musicians-Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, and Shakira. Make sure you’re prepared for the release of this groundbreaking app by selling your old CDs to musicMagpie and using the money you earn to upgrade your Smartphone to the latest model.

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