Women prefer web sites to advise them

Women prefer web sites to help advise them in making purchasing decisions. New research shows that over half of women will take the advice of a web site over the information provided by friends or family.

In the past people generally took the advice of friends, family and colleagues first, only using the web as backup or for confirmation. Now it seems that the credibility of the web is greater than that of the people we know. Earlier studies have demonstrated the fact that in the past business people tended to refer to their contacts for advice and information. Similarly, they now go to the web first, only referring to people they know if they can’t find what they want online.

What this means is that your business can no longer afford to simply have some kind of brochure site. It needs to have a range of credible advice and information available online in a variety of formats. People are making decisions based on advice and information they get online, rather than the ideas they get from their friends and colleagues. Your Internet “footprint” is even more important than ever, it seems.

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