Future planning could boost your web site

All over Britain in the next couple of weeks you won’t be able to move for the colour orange. Pumpkins, witches hats and broomsticks are already on sale everywhere because, like it or not, you will be caught up in the “trick or treat” craze that is Halloween.

A week after that, it’s fireworks and bonfire parties as the Guy Fawke’s commemorations take place. Then it’s full speed ahead for Christmas, followed by the New Year and before Burn’s night and the Chinese New Year.

Every few weeks there is some kind of celebration, holiday or activity. This coming week, for instance, is “carbon monoxide awareness week” and “national school meals week”. Then there’s the “Woman of the Year” awards as well as the announcement of the Man Booker prize. That’s before we even think of the Royal College of Nursing conference that’s taking place, the OFSTED annual report on the state of British schools or the 20th anniversary of the Black Monday stock market crash, which all take places this week

It doesn’t matter which day of the year there is always a holiday, celebration or event to which you can link the content of your web site. The result is that your web site is constantly changing and is always topical. This has a dual benefit. If your web site changes frequently to link to date-specific events, Google and the other search engines notice and start paying you more attention. But for your readers there is also a psychological advantage – your web site immediately feels current and up to date.

So, what could you do on your web site to fit with the Halloween theme or the Christmas theme? What plans do you have in place for Sunday 28th October for the end of British Summer Time? Merely mentioning it on your home page will make you seem to be “on the ball” which could have an image or reputational benefit for you. In other words, making your site “topical” is a good step forward for many sites.

To find out what is happening in the future you need to gain inside information using something like “The Year Ahead“.

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