8 Ideas for Blog Posts

Author: Nick Cobb

For my copywriting blog, I’m always looking around for new ideas for blog posts. If I want people to read my blog and enjoy it, my posts can’t all be the same. It’s important to have variety!

So if you have a blog and you’re running a little short of inspiration, here are 8 ideas for you…

1. Advice and Tips: Many people online will be looking for a solution to their problem, and whatever niche you’re involved in, you need to identify those problems and then offer solutions. Therefore, posts showing people how to make more money, how to lose weight faster, how to build muscle quicker etc, will get your targeted market flooding towards your blog in droves.

2. Comparative Reviews: This is another great idea for a blog post, and it will lend credibility to your blog, as well as provide your readers with a useful comparison of products. Let’s say you have a blog all about digital cameras, for example. You could take two competing models and test them out. You could then post your results as a blog post, giving your opinions about the respective cameras and the pros and cons of each.

3. Interviews: This is a great way of generating good quality and relevant content for your blog, and it’s not as difficult as you might think. Let’s say that you have a stamp collecting blog and you happen to know who the #1 collector is in the U.K. You could simply ask them if they wouldn’t mind contributing to your blog by answering a few questions via email, and you could then turn that interview into a fantastic blog post. Trust me, they’d be more than happy to do so!

4. Current Trends: Another useful place to visit for ideas for blog posts is Google’s Hot Trends page, which you can find at Google.co.uk/trends. The great thing about this page is that it compiles a list of the most-searched terms in the last hour, so it really is an up-to-the-minute resource! Similarly, eBay Pulse is another good place to look, and you can find it here: pulse.ebay.co.uk. You’d then know for sure that your blog post would be relevant to the time, and would be of great interest to a lot of your readers.

5. Fun Posts: Whatever your niche may be, nothing gets visited more or linked to quicker than a great joke or a funny story! People love to be entertained and niche-related humour can do wonders for a blog. You only have to look at the amount of joke and humour blogs that are currently out there on the web to realise how beneficial it could be to your traffic levels.

6. Share Your Findings: Let’s imagine that you’re currently running a blog to do with Internet marketing, and you’re conducting a split test of two different headlines on one of your sales letters. One of these headlines includes a particular word that the other doesn’t, and subsequently improves your conversion rate by 10%. This piece of research would make a fantastic blog post, and your readers would love you for sharing it!

7. Write Lists: These can be one of the EASIEST blog posts to create, they can take literally seconds to write. If you have a celebrity blog, for example, you could put up a post titled “The 10 Most Shocking Haircuts in Hollywood!” and then find pictures of celebrities with terrible hair to form your list. Alternatively, if you have a copywriting blog like mine, you could write a post titled “The 8 Most Common Sales Letter Mistakes.”These sorts of posts would be very popular and would probably receive a lot of comments too!

8. Post Links to Videos: All you need to do here is direct your readers to the latest useful, funny or interesting video in your niche, so you literally only need to write a few words! If you have a blog all about food and nutrition, for example, and you’ve come across a really helpful video on YouTube, or even a ridiculous video from someone who claims that doughnuts can make you slim, then you can share it with your blog readers really easily. And remember, the funnier or more controversial the video, the more viewings it will receive and the more comments you’ll see on your blog.

So there you go! Those eight ideas for blog posts should keep you going for a long, long time. Most of them will never run dry so should always have something in mind to post about.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/blogging-articles/8-ideas-for-blog-posts-4853807.html

About the Author

Nick Cobb is a freelance copywriter, online marketing consultant and the founder and Managing Director of Write For You Ltd, a copywriting agency based in London, England. His principal website; My Freelance Copywriter provides a wide range of copywriting services to domestic and international businesses, while his sister site; Red Hot Sales Letters, is dedicated to producing profit-pulling sales copy for online marketers.

1 thought on “8 Ideas for Blog Posts”

  1. How about "10 Facebook users who know how to spell"? Or aren't there that many?! What is it about Facebook and staggering levels of erudition about spelling virtually anything – or using apostrophes, come to that!

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