We have all heard of the notion of writer’s block, so don’t be surprised to find that there is also what you might call “blogger’s block”.
You may already know that kind of feeling. These are times when you feel that you cannot seem to start blogging anything. That everything is so clouded and you cannot begin to write one single word. How could this happen when you were so good at blogging before? Why is it that you cannot get one word written? And the more you think about blogging, the more you are not able to blog.
What is the best thing to do when you find yourself situations like this? Below are ideas that you might find helpful during your “cannot seem to blog” days.
1. Do some blog reading
Go to some blog sites and read what is posted there. If possible, go back over blogs that were your past favourites. Or you could also visit some least favourite ones…! By doing this, you will be able to get ideas on what to write about. Maybe one or to things that you come across will trigger something in your brain. You might be able to find a topic that you want to blog about but has forgotten already.
2. Have a look at your own blog
This is one of the best ways to find a topic to write about. Since this is your site, you might notice aspects you have written about before but which need revisiting. This is also the best time to check out links that are put into other posts. Have a look at what they are about and it may trigger a new idea
3. Check out the news
Even though your blogging may not be related to news, current events or politics, there is nothing wrong with checking out what is happening to the world lately. Sometimes, these things tend to have a link to what you are blogging about.
4. Blog randomly
Look for a word or topic. Then begin writing about it. You can also do this with pictures. Check out photos and think of something to write about it. If those things do not seem to work for you, you can search for creative or journal writing software to help you with your writing problem. Words and pictures are sometimes all you need to unblock your writing.
5. Think about an extraordinary topic
For example, you can research about inventions and inventors. What was the first car ever invented? Anything that you fancy. You can look for them at online resources like encyclopaedias and almanacs. When you finally have the answer, start blogging about it. You never know, maybe some people are thinking of the same things and you have somehow provided them with answers. Besides, it also fine to drift off from your usual topic once in awhile. Your readers might like the refreshing change too.
6. Do something you have not done before
If you cannot think of something new, any blogging related things will do just as long as you have not done them to your blogs before. Put pictures into your blogs. Add videos, record a podcast or add other unique features. It is all up to you. You don’t HAVE to write…!
7. Forget about blogging for a while
This might be one of those times when your mind and body is in need of a break from writing. Get outside. Go to the beach or go shopping. Anything that will take your mind off blogging. You just might feel refreshed and ready to start blogging once you get back up in front of your computer.
There are a lot more ways of getting rid if your blogging block but these are a good start.
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- Writers Block? Try this Quick Tip (problogger.net)
- 12 Business Blogging Shortcuts for Time-Crunched Marketers (hubspot.com)
- Writer’s Block? Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks! (bloggingtips.com)