Psychology of Facebook Users

There is a considerable amount being published in mainstream psychology journals on the psychology of Facebook users as well as other social media usage. Here are some of the most recent articles on the subject which provide a variety of insights in the psychology of facebook use.

Self-esteem and Facebook
When used sensibly and in moderation, Facebook is harmless fun, but excessive amounts of time on the site may lead some users to be dissatisfied with themselves. More at The Psychology of Facebook: Self-Esteem | Mind Meditations

Infographic on the psychology of social networking
With 90 percent of U.S. internet users having signed up for at least one social network, and one out of every eight people on the planet active on Facebook, social media has come a long, long way in a very brief period of time….More at The Psychology Of Social Networking [INFOGRAPHIC] – AllTwitter

Why do we like the like button?
It appears that Facebook users of all ages enjoy using the “Like” button, although it is more popular among younger users. In an as yet unpublished study presented at the American Psychological Association convention;…More at The Power of “Like” | Psychology Today

The Simple Psychology of Your Social Networks
Are we friends or aren’t we? Like a BFF, wondering if she’s been replaced, facebook connections (whether from real life or not) will run the deepest and be the most hurt if (more like when) you decide to “unfriend” them. Those darned decisions While the conversation is fun (usually) and informative (almost always), the core users of Reddit take their posting habits very (very) seriously. Srsly. Techie lite?…More at The Simple Psychology of Your Social Networks | The Wandering

The Facebook Self vs the Real Self
Cameron Marlow, in-house research scientist at Facebook, said: “We found that the degrees of separation between any two Facebook users is smaller than the commonly cited six degrees, and has been shrinking over the past three years as More at Psychology of Facebook: The Facebook Self vs. The Real Self

Teenagers and digital technologies
This research explores teenagers’ knowledge representation of six digital technologies – email, IM, internet, digital photos, sms and games. Instead of pre-imposing a specific structure, teens freely express everything they consider relevant by identifying the meanings associated with each digital technology. Drawing on cognitive psychology theories and teenagers’ social development theories, the data from thirteen focus groups were analyzed….More at Teen conceptualization of digital technologies

Emotions and Facebook Users
Facebook users can spread emotions to their online connections just by posting a written message, or status update, that’s positive or negative, says a psychologist who works for the wildly successful social…More at Catching A Mood On Facebook – Science News


More Reading

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