20 years of Google – what would we do without it?
Google is 20 years old today, officially that is. In fact Google started more than 22 years ago. Has it become so important we would not cope without it?
Google is 20 years old today, officially that is. In fact Google started more than 22 years ago. Has it become so important we would not cope without it?
Links are useful because people click on them and get directed to your web pages. Many links, though, have been placed around the web for SEO (search engine optimisation) and that’s a waste of time. Indeed, Google says you don’t need to bother with this. The search engine can find mentions of your website, even if there is no link.
Google is in trouble. An investigation by The Times newspaper has triggered dozens of brands to abandon advertising on Google. Should you follow suit?
New research shows that people can be good at some kinds of searching, but not at others. It turns out that experience counts for a lot.
Google is 18 years old today, but perhaps it is time for the company to grow up and start thinking like an adult, even accepting it might be wrong.
Content creation is thought to be the best SEO technique by marketers, but they say it is one of the hardest methods too
Many search engine optimisation events are either so big you can’t talk to the experts or are merely “pitch fests”.
There is an old man in Woking, Surrey, who carefully places a bowl of custard outside his front door every night before he goes to bed. For years, people were curious about this until a couple of school children knocked on his door and asked “why do you put a
Search engines are now mainly used for news, showing that if your website takes a news approach it should do well.
Search engine visitors are the least valuable for websites, being the least engaged you can get.
Google+ does NOT help you gain higher search engine rankings. We know that because Google themselves say so. Indeed, one of their leading engineers Matt Cutts even went so far as having to debunk the widely held theory in a forum discussion. Well that just goes to show how much
People do not see the search results they think they see. They miss seeing important and valuable sites once they have seen one useful link.
Google is highlighting in-depth articles. People love reading long articles. You really should write more…!
Google wastes your time. You spend several unproductive hours each week using Google.
Younger people are increasingly turning to social media as a means of finding things online, whereas older people prefer search engines
Links on websites could be more dangerous than you think. They could be harming your search engine ranking, rather than helping it.
Google confirms the most important aspects of getting yourself noticed is concentrating on people. Focus on human activity, not search engine activity they say.
Faced with too many options people search more and then find rare events and items making them think these are real possibilities for themselves.
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