What is a perfect web site?

If you were to look at a web design magazine these days you would notice that the web sites being hailed as “suberp”, “perfect” or “brilliant” are full of images, multimedia, clever bits of technology and so on. But when you ask Internet users, outside the web design industry, you get a very different answer as to what is superb, brilliant or perfect. New research conducted for Rackspace suggests that the most important feature in a great web site is clear and easy navigation, followed by a straightforward design. In other words, the trends in the design industry for “clever” web sites are the exact reverse of what people want. You can read the details of the survey in this press release on the formula for a perfect web site. If you want to check out your own web site and how well it scores against that formula, send your visitors to this handy tool where people can rate your web site. Naturally, I’d be grateful if you would go to that page and score my web site and let me know the results by adding a comment to this posting. Thanks.

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