The Chuckle Brothers guide to Internet marketing

Paul and Barry Chuckle have been keeping the UK’s children (and many of their parents) entertained for exactly 20 years on British TV. Today is The Chuckle Brothers anniversary. They are a phenomenon in children’s entertainment in Britain. Not only have they celebrated 20 years, but their TV show “Chucklevision” is the longest running children’s TV series. Anyone who is aged under 30 or who has children under that age will have seen the Chuckle Brothers at some stage.

Their popularity provides some clear lessons for anyone in business, especially Internet marketers. Paul and Barry Chuckle are from a showbiz family and have the entertainment ethos of “the show must go on”. In other words, they will do everything possible for their audience. Earlier this year, for instance, Paul was injured in a motorbike accident. However, in spite of some nasty facial injuries, the live tour they were in the middle of, went ahead unaltered. Paul was committed to his audience.

Similarly, one look at their schedule and you’ll see that they are either appearing in some theatre or busy filming. Much of the year you’ll be able to catch a live performance of the Chuckle Brothers somewhere in Britain. Other children’s entertainers do their TV shows and then seem to become almost reclusive – perhaps busy at home counting their earnings, who knows. But few children’s entertainers are out there amongst their audience for the bulk of the year. The Chuckle Brothers are – and they are highly successful. A link perhaps? Keep in constant contact with your audience and they will stick with you too.

So what does the unprecedented success of the Chuckle Brothers tell us about Internet marketing? It shows us that if you find every opportunity to connect with your audience, no matter what, you will gain their attention and their interest. Also, if you focus relentlessly on your audience, you will succeed. And one other thing – the Chuckle Brothers attitude of “the show must go on” is worth repeating online. How many online businesses write their blogs every day – because their audience expects it? Almost none. If a business owner gets a bad day, is busy or otherwise can’t be motivated to write, they leave it for a while. Their online audience is not committed to that blog or web site, because without a “show must go on attitude” that web site owner has shown clearly they are not committed to their audience. Show commitment to your online audience and they will reward you with sticking to you.

Happy anniversary Paul and Barry – thanks for teaching business some important lessons.

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