Tag: productivity

Online Business

Should you have a daily siesta?

All the best guides to writing articles say “never start with an apology”. But I fear I need to do just that this week. That’s because after receiving my article last Saturday, several people got in touch saying they I had scared them. Last week I was talking about the

Time management techniques use diaries like this one

Time management techniques don’t work when you use the Internet

Time management techniques do not always work. No matter what the time management gurus will tell you, it isn’t always possible to follow the rules about productivity or use the techniques that will supposedly transform your day. So what do you do when all time management techniques fail?

Email overload can be solved

Five ways to deal with email overload

Email overload is a significant problem affecting every office worker. Half the working day is now spent on email thanks to the overload. Each of us having to cope with more than 300 emails per day. Here are five ways you can cope with email overload and avoid the associated stress and frustration. Using these five methods can significantly reduce the time it takes to handle email.

email overload concept

Can you really achieve inbox zero?

Can you really achieve inbox zero? This article investigates the concept and looks at the psychology behind email overload.

Productivity Books

How to Have a Good Day

How to Have a Good Day is billed as “the essential toolkit for a productive day and beyond”


Did email cause the recession?

Email is wasting so much time it is possible it is one of the reasons why we have not crawled out of the recession very far.